Standard medical aid rates apply. It is your responsibility as the client to contact the medical aid and ensure sufficient funds are available. Claims will be directly submitted to the medical aid.
Alternatively, if you prefer to pay cash, the fee is R700 for a 60 minute consultation, payable on the day of consultation / via EFT.
Standaard mediese fonds tariewe is van toepassing. Dit is u verantwoordelikheid as die kliënt om u mediese fonds te skakel en te bevestig dat voldoende fondse beskikbaar is.
Eise sal direk by mediese fondse ingedien word.
Alternatiewelik, as u verkies om kontant te betaal, is die fooi R700 vir ‘n 60 minuut konsultasie, betaalbaar op die dag van u konsultasie / via elektroniese oorbetaling